Use the options from the Image Compression to set different compression rates for embedded images in documents. Images(especially in color) often increase the size of a document with the options in the Image Compression tab, you can specify a downsampling algorithm to reduce the size of images.

To Select Image Settings

  1. Using the application's printer dialog select Xodo PDF from the printer name list.
  2. Click "Properties" to view additional settings
  3. Go to the Image Compression tab and select from the below options
  4. Click OK to apply the settings before generating the PDF

Available Options

Black and White Image compression - To reduce the size of black and white images in a document. 

  • Default compression: The default image compression algorithm uses color palettes to reduce the overall size of images. This algorithm works well provided the number of colors does not exceed 256. 
  • CCITT Fax Group 4: This algorithm is recommended to reduce the size of black and white images. Image quality is unaffected and file size is reduced significantly. 
  • JBIG2 Compression: This algorithm is recommended to get maximum reduction in size of black and white images. Image quality is affected, though.


Color image compression - To reduce the size of color images in a document. Choose from the following options:

  • 256-color compression: To use a 256 Colors compression algorithm which calculates the most used color in the image and replaces all other color pixels by their closest match. This lossless compression algorithm works usually very well with most applications. 
  • JPEG compression: To use a JPEG compression algorithm that produces excellent results for true-color images. This compression is not recommended for graphics other than real pictures. When this option is selected, a level-selection box appears with quality variances: 
    • From 1 to 9: Level 1 produces poorer quality images with a large compression ratio. 
    • Level 9: Produces very good quality images with medium compression ratio. 
    • The default value (7): Produces compression levels and image quality suitable for most images. 
  • JPEG2000 compression: To use a JPEG2000 compression algorithm that produces best results for true-color images. variances: 
    • From 1 to 9: Level 1 produces poorer quality images with a large compression ratio. 
    • Level 9: Produces very good quality images with medium compression ratio. 
    • The default value (7): Produces compression levels and image quality suitable for most images. 
  • Automatic compression: This algorithm verifies each image separately and applies the best compression algorithm possible.

Images - To optimize the printing of images in a document. Select or clear the Images check box(es) to turn these options ON or OFF. Options include: 

  • Downsample high resolution images: PDF Converter adjusts (downsamples) the high-resolution of an image to match the resolution of the printer and reduces the size of the file as well. 
  • Disable direct PNG/JPEG printing: This option instructs the GDI to send uncompressed images. This option produces faster printouts but limits the ability of the printer to adjust the image compression.