Q: Is there a way to install Xodo PDF Studio silently, for installations throughout an organization? We need to distribute Xodo PDF Studio to multiple computers.

A: Xodo PDF Studio can be installed and registered programmatically on user machines without requiring user input.

NOTEThe standard activation method does not require license key as product will be activated when user signs into their Xodo account. License keys are only for custom priced large corporate distributions.

Command Line Installation

Below are instructions to install and register Xodo PDF Studio in one step for each operating system.

If using a license key, replace in the instructions below 1234 with your license key. Otherwise remove the "-register 1234" argument. 

On Windows:
.exe installer

XodoPDFStudio_win64.exe -q -register 1234 -c -splash

.msi installer – (for large deployments)

msiexec.exe /i XodoPDFStudio_win64.msi /quiet PARAMETER="-register 1234"

On Linux:

sh ./XodoPDFStudio_linux64.sh -q -register 1234 -c -splash

On Mac OS X: 

*Note: On the Mac, installation and registration are completed in 2 steps.

hdiutil mount XodoPDFStudio_mac64.dmg cd "/Volumes/XodoPDFStudio" open -n "Xodo PDF Studio Installer.app" --args -q cd .. hdiutil unmount "/Volumes/XodoPDFStudio/"
cd /Applications open -n "Xodo PDF Studio 2022.app" --args -register 1234

Command Line Arguments

-q means the installer is running in unattended mode, using all default options.
-c is optional and will output the folder where the application was installed as well as an installation and registration success message to the console
-dir [directory]  Only valid if -q is set. Sets a different installation directory than the default.
-register [licensekey]  Only valid if -q is set. Registers with the given license key.
-splash is optional and will show a progress bar. It has to be the last argument.

Additional command line arguments

See list of all optional command line options for Xodo PDF Studio’s installer.