Display Preferences

The Display Preferences section contains all of the display settings for Xodo PDF Studio.

To open the Display Preferences dialog:

    1. Go to File Tab > Preferences
    2. Select Display from the panel on the left of the preferences dialog to view or modify these preferences.


Look and Feel - Changes the look and feel (theme) of Xodo PDF Studio. Requires a restart to be applied.


  • Auto: (default) will set light or dark colored theme to match the theme set in the OS
  • Light: modern light styled flat user interface
  • Dark: modern dark styled flat user interface

Icon Color

  • Color: full color modern flat icons
  • Monochrome: grayscale modern flat icons, better for dark mode

Full Screen Appearance

  • Background: Sets the options used when Xodo PDF Studio is displaying a document in Full Screen Mode

Layout and Magnification - Sets the layout and magnification defaults for displaying documents.

By default, Xodo PDF Studio uses the initial view settings set within the document to display the panels on the left when opening a document. If no setting is set within the PDF document’s initial view settings, the Pages panel will be opened by default. Selecting "Ignore document setting" on any of the options will force Xodo PDF Studio to ignore the document's settings and use the selected option.

Navigation Tab - sets the default behavior for the navigation tab when opening PDF documents.

    • Default: Uses the Xodo PDF Studio default settings
    • None (Document Only): No navigation tab will be displayed
    • Bookmarks Panel: Displays the bookmarks panel when the document is opened
    • Pages Panel: Displays the pages panel when the document is opened
    • Attachments Panel: Displays the attachments panel when the document is opened

Page Layout - sets the default behavior for the page layout when opening PDF documents.

    • Default: Uses the Xodo PDF Studio default settings
    • Single: Displays only a single individual page at a time
    • Single Continuous: Displays all of the document's pages in a single column that can be continuously scrolled
    • Facing: Displays only two pages at a time side by side with odd pages on the left and even pages on the right
    • Facing Continuous: Displays all of the documents pages in two columns with odd pages on the left and even pages on the right
    • Cover: Displays the document just as when using Facing only the first page will be displayed alone
    • Cover Continuous: Displays the document just as when using Facing Continuous only the first page will be displayed alone

Magnification - sets the default magnification to use when opening PDF documents.

    • Default: Uses the Xodo PDF Studio default settings
    • Actual: Displays the document with a 1:1 ratio to match how the document would look if printed without any scaling
    • Fit to Page: Scales the view to fit the width of the document in the Xodo PDF Studio frame
    • Fit to Width: Scales the view to fit the entire  document within the Xodo PDF Studio frame
    • %: Sets the zoom to the specified number value

Restore Last Page - when enabled Xodo PDF Studio reopen to the last page viewed when reopening the same PDF.

Note: The "Default" and "None (document only)” options will use the initial view settings set within the PDF. If any other option is selected it will use the Xodo PDF Studio setting instead of the setting within the PDF document’s initial view setting.

Invert Colors  - Sets Xodo PDF Studio to always default to Invert Colors mode.

Binding - Specifies whether to display a PDF file with left-side or right-side binding. This setting affects the display of pages in the Facing Page - Continuous layout and the display of thumbnails side by side.

Document Resolution - Sets the resolution to be used when displaying PDFs. This only affects the size of the document when it is displayed on the screen. Ideally this should be set at a value so that when the zoom is set to 100% it will be the same size as the document once printed.

  • System Setting: uses the resolution set by the system.
  • Custom Resolution: allows you to set a custom resolution to be used.
    • By default Xodo PDF Studio will set a resolution value that will most accurately display the PDF size at 100% zoom. If the custom value is changed use the "Reset" button to restore the Xodo PDF Studio calculated default.

Rendering: Options for document content display

  • Enhance thin lines: converts all lines to a minimum width of 1px