Action Wizard Pane

The action wizard panel is displayed on the right side of the Xodo PDF Studio frame while an action is in process. This panel provides useful information such as which files have been processed as well as a visual guide on the list of steps to be performed on each file. The pane will only be displayed while an action is currently active.


Action Pane Status Icons

Processing - the current file being processed

Completed - all actions have been completed for this file

Failed - did not complete action due to error in file


Action Pane Options

Pause / Resume

Action steps can be paused at any point by either closing the options dialog or exiting the currently active action tool. To resume the action, click on the Resume button in the action panel to continue processing the remaining steps and files.

Exit Running Action

Running actions can be completed stopped at any point by doing the following:

  • Clicking on the Exit Action button on the upper right of the action panel
  • Quitting the Xodo PDF Studio application entirely

If any document has not yet been saved, you will be prompted to do so when exiting the action sequence.

Modifying the File List

The action file list can be modified at any point during the action sequence. This is useful if you need to process additional documents after the process has been started or realize one of the documents in the list is no longer needed.

  • Adding Files - additional files can be added to the list by clicking on Add Files button while the process is running.
    • Click on the down arrow to instead Add Folder or Add Open Files

    NOTE: once the action has started documents can only be added to the END of the processing list.

  • Removing files - any files that have NOT been processed can be deleted from the list by selecting the item and then pressing the Delete key