Convert Colors
Color conversion allows you to change the document color space as a part of prepress workflow before sending the document to a high end print service. This feature is different from the Output Preview tool in that it permanently converts the color values of the content within the document.
The color conversion tool supports a changing specific document content to a variety of color spaces CMYK, RGB, or Gray color spaces. PDF Studio comes packaged with a default set of profiles but additional custom profiles can also be installed as needed.
How to use the Convert Colors Tool
- Open the document in Xodo PDF Studio.
- Go to the Document Tab >
Convert Colors on the tool bar. This will launch the Convert Colors settings dialog.
- Modify settings as needed using the options below.
- Once you have completed reviewing the document click Apply to create a new document using the settings chosen.
Convert Colors Settings
Source Color
Type -
Destination Color
Type -
All Pages: all pages in the document
Current Page: the current page being displayed
Page Range: set custom range of pages if needed using values separated by commas. For example, to set only pages 2 to 4 & 6 to 12 & 20 of a 30 page document enter “2-4, 6-12, 20″. Documents using Page Labels will require the exact page label to be entered (i.e. iv, v, etc...)
Even Pages Only: only the even pages
Odd Pages Only: only the odd pages