Our new Windows desktop power tool PDF Studio is here! If you are a Windows Xodo Pro subscriber through either Xodo.com or the Microsoft Store you are eligible for a FREE upgrade to Xodo PDF Studio. It has everything you already know, and more. More features, more conversion upgrades, more Xodo. All packaged into our brand new UX/UI. 

For users with Xodo Pro subscription purchased from Microsoft App Store

How to upgrade:
Since we have no possibility to seamlessly upgrade you from the Windows app store you have to:

  1. Cancel your Windows Store Subscription.
  2. Send us your latest invoice to our support team. We will enroll you to our new desktop power tool at no additional cost for you.
  3. Download the application, log-in and enjoy unleashed productivity.

For users with Xodo Pro subscription purchased from Xodo.com

How to upgrade:

  1. Send us your latest invoice to our support team. We will enroll you to our new desktop power tool at no additional cost for you.
  2. Download the application, log-in and enjoy unleashed productivity. 

For users without a Xodo subscription

Not sure whether you find an upgrade useful? No problem – you can try Xodo PDF Studio for free. We are looking forward to your feedback. Try for Free