By default, the log files for current releases of ActivePDF DocConverter, WebGrabber, and Server reside in the ProgramData directory, under ActivePDF:
Note that C:\ProgramData
may be hidden from view.
Additional P3 Service logs
The main P3 Service log is in the directory shown above. There is also an http_logs file for the ActivePDF P3 service in:
C:\Program Files\activePDF\P3\Agents\http_logs
And an install log for the P3 service in:
C:\Program Files\activePDF\P3\P3Service.InstallLog
ActivePDF Toolkit does not have log files.
Meridian client log files are in: C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\activePDF\Logs\Meridian;
where XXXXX = user name
C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\activePDF\Logs\Meridian; where XXXXX = user name
Meridian server logs are in:
Viewing Log Files in the ActivePDF User Interface
If you are using current versions of DocConverter, WebGrabber, or Server you can check the contents ActivePDF's log files from the ActivePDF User Interface.
On the top ActivePDF page, click the hour glass icon for the product and from the drop-down lists select the product and log you want to inspect.

Configuring the Log Files settings the ActivePDF User Interface
If you are using current versions of DocConverter, WebGrabber, or Server you can configure the ActivePDF log file settings from the ActivePDF User Interface.
At the top page for each product, you can configure log-file settings such as maximum files size, and auto cleanup on startup. Select "Write Debug Messages" for verbose logging.